
Guitar Hero T-shirt

This is pretty much the sweetest t-shirt I've made yet. I was secretly kind of hoping that it wouldn't have turned out as well as it did, because then I wouldn't want to keep it as much. I keep telling myself the blue isn't as noticeable as it could be, and it's kind of a bullshit excuse, but it helps. However, I have an obligation to not be a bastard and actually, you know, give people the presents I made them, no matter how much I wish I didn't have to. I found the whole stencil on Craftster, but I uploaded it to photobucket here. However, this stencil was a lot smaller than I wanted it to appear on the shirt, so I divided it in half and made it larger. The top half is here, the bottom half is here. I also turned the black areas grey so that it took less ink, 'cause I'm a bit thrifty that way. The fret keys I just painted freehand, which is why they're a little uneven.


Anonymous said...

i love pretty much all the stencilry, and i keep trying to guess who gets what, but it's harder than you'd think considering we all love the same exact things.

i like how i haven't done one damn thing for this blog yet. but listen i have CLASSES. and PAPERS. and EXAMS. which is also a bullshit excuse, and i will get on it asap.

Hexidecimal said...

Oh.My.God. That is the sweetest shirt ever.

Ginny said...

I am so jealous.